Judith Green
Quote: “Make caring for the environment second nature.”
Bio: Judith Green sat on her hotel bed one dreary winter day while on a work assignment in Alberta, Canada, miles away from home. Suddenly, her mind wandered to what else she could do besides being an accountant, which she had done for much of her work life. She thought she would write a book, but that soon gave way to self-introspection as she pondered over what subject she could possibly write on. She recalled her desire to help children, and “voila!” There was her answer: children’s books. Her plan was to educate children to take a front seat on environmental issues through her stories, teaching to take care of the environment and the environment would take care of them. She would also donate to needy children from the proceeds of the books. Green has written multiple series of books for children on the environment.

Veronica Green
Quote: “[This is] not just ordinary poetry, but poetry with the color and flair of the Jamaican dialect.”
Bio: Veronica Green came to Canada in 2001 and settled in the Greater Toronto Area. One thing she loved most about the region was its “multiculturalism.” She has had the opportunity to interact with so many immigrants from many places and one thing she has found that they all have had in common is a story to tell about their unique experiences, whether their first winter, finding a job, or coping in a new workplace. Green decided to capture many of them in poetry, with the typical charming Jamaican flavor. Green enjoys reading poetry to audiences in the footsteps of the late Jamaican, the Honorable Mrs. Louise Bennett-Coverley. She is a proud mother of awesome children, including twins, and enjoys her grandchildren greatly.

Angelot Ndongmo
Quote: “There is no greater gift than knowledge of self.”
Bio: Angelot Ndongmo is a youth worker currently living in Brampton, Ontario, Canada. She loves children and enjoys working with them. Growing up in Ottawa, Ontario, Ndongmo recognized first hand the lack of reading materials promoting black identity that would help children of African descent build their positive self-image, self awareness and self-confidence. She embraces that our attitudes will determine how far we go in life. The Loving Me series is Ndongmo's first contribution towards enhancing positive attitudes in black children through publication.

Annika Bennett
Quote: “Learning and having fun doesn’t always have to come from a piece of technology. Maybe sometimes it’s better to learn from other people around us.”
Bio: Annika Bennett published her first book with WTL International as a high school student. She wrote it for a project in her special arts program. She is now a post-secondary University student. Besides, writing, Annika enjoys singing, public administration, advocating for equity and for human rights.

Charlotte Caunter
Quote: “Teach your child the powerful lessons that Mother Nature has gifted all of us and express your gratitude [to her] together...”
Bio: Charlotte Caunter is a life coach, health and nutrition consultant, raw food chef, published author and a cancer survivor. Caunter’s past experiences with cancer have made her an ardent believer in defeating cancer using an integrative holistic approach. She was deemed cancer-free and feels passionate about using her experiences to empower, inspire and motivate others like her to overcome cancer and enjoy good health and happiness. Caunter adores nature and believes in its healing properties. She is also an advocate for environmental protection. She sees children as the future stewards of the planet who must be involved in the efforts to preserve mother nature. This is the subject of her first book with WTL International. Caunter is the founder of Health SHEro, where she is a holistic burnout coach for moms.

Naadei Neequaye-Oyelade
Quote: “You are who you are, and you are meant to be you.”
Bio: Naadei Neequaye-Oyelade is exceptionally artistic. She applied the visual arts skills that she developed while at college in helping her to play a crucial part in the artistic vision of her first picture book, which WTL International acquired. Her book is designed to help children feel comfortable in who they are, whether they are autistic, have another diagnosis, are slow to make friends, or otherwise feel out of place. Neequaye-Oyelade is a wife and mum living with her husband in the United Kingdom.

Sandra Baker
Quote: “It is important to embrace diversity in curricula and the classroom.”
Bio: Sandra Baker has been an educator since 1999 and is a wife and mother of two girls. She has worked with children from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, and has become sensitive to issues of today’s diverse families, which include single parent and adoptive families. Baker feels that certain factors, those that she addresses in her first book with WTL, if not properly addressed, tend to have negative impacts on children’s emotional, social and psychological development. Accordingly, Baker has contributed her expertise in writing curricula and reviewing textbooks for diversity and inclusion that celebrate the contributions of First Nations people and Canadians of African descent to society. Baker has also published a children’s book highlighting mixed-race families in a healthy context with WTL International. Baker has also developed educational materials for Hot Docs.

Margaret Clarke, EdD
Quote: “Readers make good writers and good readers make excellent writers, so learn to read, and read all you can so that you can write all that you want to.”
Bio: Margaret Clarke earned her Doctor of Education in Jamaica. She has earned somewhat of a reputation for turning struggling students into exceptional students. She has extensive experience teaching young people the basics of reading and writing and stresses them as fundamental requirements for succeeding in life.

Colin "CJ" Jarrett
Quote: “Questionz over answers…”
Bio: CJ is a world traveler, art connoisseur and foodie. He is super-introspective and creative. His works get adults thinking and engaged. CJ’s writings with WTL International well-reflect his outlook on life: embrace it fully and inquisitively.

Yolanda Giacona
Quote: “To all the souls who have suffered and felt alone at one time… you are not alone.”
Bio: Yolanda Giacona is a poet, writer and visual artist. She is a role model for helping others overcome pain and hurt in their lives by drawing from her own experiences. Her poetry book and children’s book, published by WTL, take creative approaches to helping people overcome hurt in relationships and bullying.

Nathan Hammah
Quote: “An intellectual says a simple thing in a hard way. An artist says a hard thing in a simple way.” (a favorite quote) from Charles Bukowski
Bio: Nathan Hammah is an all-encompassing and multi-talented artist with complementary skills, from writing, to free-style rapping and song-making, to film production. He has founded a few companies, including Aukiss Media systems, Ltd. Hammah helped popularized the idea of “the legitimate hustle” in his circles in his early beginnings as a rapper, stressing the values of hard work in legitimate ways (or making an "honest living"). Alongside his entrepreneurship and artistry, he is great with kids and has worked steadfastly as a youth worker. His book, Innocent Wisdom, shares firsthand experiences working with shelter youth.

Alan Marlowe
Quote: “We are slowly losing our humanity to it [technology]…antiquated ways may just be what humanity needs to save it from itself.”
Bio: Alan Marlowe has great stories to tell. He is able to intellectually weave metaphoric references drawn from history and politics into his stories in apt places to a degree that very few authors of satire have managed. Alan Marlowe is a husband, father and author-educator.

Dahlia DeSouza
Quote: “Dream without limits. Create without fear. Inspire with Action."
Bio: Dahlia DeSouza is an author, elementary school teacher, and wife and mother of three little ones. She is also owner and founder of the luxury watch company Uptothetime. DeSouza challenges children to dream big, and to see themselves as important and capable of making change, even in their youth.

Valomia Moss-Weir
Quote: “Some of Aunt V’s childhood memories remind me of how much things have changed yet remained the same…The account of her life [I wrote]… explores the rich culture and traditions of Jamaica.”
Bio: Valomia Moss-Weir, niece of centenarian Violet Mosse-Brown, was born in Trelawny, Jamaica. Moss-Weir started as a secondary school teacher and worked for many years as an Education Officer in the Ministry of Education in Jamaica. She now resides in the Greater Toronto area of Ontario, Canada and is certified with the Ontario College of Teachers. Moss-Weir brings Jamaican traditions alive and paints a vivid picture of life on the island at different cross-sections of time through sharing the true account of her aunt in her books.

Rev. Harrison Mungal, PsyD, PhD
Quote: “A positive attitude makes it more likely that you will process psychologically sound choices and make healthy choices for your future.”
Bio: Harrison Sharma Mungal is considered one of the leading cognitive therapist workshop presenters. He has a rich and broad background in academia as well as practice. His practice includes working as a cognitive therapist, mental health specialist, psychotherapist, marriage counselor, and psycho-educator. He has appeared as a guest speaker on several radio stations and television programs, discussing a wide variety of issues drawn from his individual clients. Mungal’s organizational clients include: the Attorney General of Canada, police, hospitals and community agencies. He has received several awards and provincial recognitions. Mungal holds membership in many organizations, including the Canadian Association of Neuroscience. Mungal’s favourite subjects to write on are: mental health; parenting; couples and marriage, positivity and a faithful outlook.

Rev. Ruel H. Castillo
Quote: “Obey God Holy Spirit and God's word and leave all the consequences to Him. He is a good, good FATHER and a loving SAVIOR.”
Bio: Reverend Ruel Hernandez Castillo, who is a pastor, has a life story with some very miraculous experiences. He encourages others to seek a close, personal relationship with God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy spirit. Castillo describes his profession as caring for people and sharing the love of Jesus in the workplace. He writes about his experiences struggling with the realities of having an estranged father and how the situation had a happy ending after He drew closer to Jesus.

Rev. Moses G. Agyei
Quote: “For God speaketh...In a dream, in a vision of the night... when deep sleep falleth upon men, in slumberings upon the bed.” (a favorite quote) from Job 33:14-17 of the Holy Bible
Bio: Reverend Dr. Moses George Agyei is known as “The Dreams Dr.” He is an ordained minister and a Doctor of Theology. Agyei specializes in the study and interpretation of dreams, visions and the hearing of voices. He is both a dreamer and an interpreter of dreams. He speaks on the radio regularly, representing End-time Resurrection Covenant Radio Ministries. He steadfastly believes that dreams are more than just a phenomenon resulting from one eating too much pizza. Agyei’s perspective on dreams is broad and draws copiously from the physical, spiritual, Biblical and metaphysical realms of human experience. Moses writes on dreams and the end-times. His teachings and dream interpretations are always grounded on the Scripture.

Rhonelle Patrick
Quote: “Life is a journey. The experiences we have only make us stronger.”
Bio: Rhonelle Patrick is a faithful Christian of the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination and her faith is very precious to her. Patrick loves telling animated stories to children to develop their listening and reading skills, and to excite their imagination and creativity. When she shares her stories live, the children are captivated, and this is a means through which she shares important values.

Michael Assivero
Quote: "If you do good things for the right reasons, sometimes magic happens!"
Bio: Michael Assivero’s life has definitely not been without struggle, but he has a great attitude, a great sense of humor, and a faith that helps carry him through the day. Michael Assivero is a radio personality and loves to DJ and entertain his audience. He is also a father of three loving boys and husband to his supportive wife Keisha.

Tonya King
Quote: “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” (a favorite quote) from Maya Angelou
Bio: Tonya King is a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. She writes about this in her second publication, which is her book published by WTL International. Writing has always been a hobby for Tonya, whether it be songs, poetry or articles. King has now turned writing into her entrepreneurial journey. She describes writing as hard work, but likes to write to empower and inspire readers to know that with God, you can overcome adversity in your everyday life.

Marie Bailey
Quote: "The Bible is God's word. Read it to learn more about Him and how to live a life that pleases Him."
Bio: Jamaican-born Marie Bailey is a resident of Ontario and a woman of faith. Bailey has a passion for writing as and has also been managing an Avon business for several years. Bailey was WTL International’s first author to be represented all the way in the Cayman Islands! Apart from writing, Bailey is a dedicated wife and mother.

Lorie Kay
Quote: “-”
Bio: Lorie spent the first half of her life in Canada and the second half in the United States. As a teenager she lived in the middle of the woods, for a while with no running water or electricity. She now lives in a highrise in downtown Minneapolis, MN. Life presented unique chapters in location as well as employment. She started out as a high school English teacher, then worked in veterinary medicine, and now is a massage therapist.
Despite having a close family and being raised in a Christian home, Lorie and her siblings were sexually abused by their father for their entire childhoods. It seemed life had set her on a bitter path of heartache and destruction, but Lorie figured God had another plan. Desperate for a good future, Lorie got serious with God about healing from her past. God proved to be the amazing saviour, father, and healer she had been taught He was. Now Lorie wants to share her journey with others, and help survivors shed their victimhood and embrace futures authored by God, no matter who or what authored pain in their pasts.
Lorie loves reading and writing, baking cookies, and walking the parks of Minneapolis. But her biggest hobby is ballroom dancing. Through her painful childhood, a Cinderella dream blossomed. That led her to take her first waltz lesson. Now she competes all over the country, and loves the beauty and athleticism of dancesport.

Ablavi L. De Souza
Quote: "Children are here to live. It is our responsibility as adults to show them how to live—with no strings attached—by offering them unconditional love rooted in humility, patience, and reverence for God."
Outside the work of authorship, Ms. Ablavi L. De Souza is an educator, member of the Ontario College of Teachers and member of the Texas Education Agency. She is also the founder of the non-profit organization AfriCanada Hub. Ms. De Souza seeks creative ways to bridge educational gaps between children from marginalized communities and their counterparts. Her work in the community has been characterized by an adept love of reading children’s books with children and to children. Outside of her professional life, Ms. De Souza loves to pray, watch movies, drink tea, and try out new recipes.